Thursday, December 22, 2011

Click on an image below to launch slideshow.
Fish Scales Wedding Invitations
- Colors & text your choice
- Customizable
- 100% cotton paper
- Matching pieces available
- Pocketfolds available
Sample $10.00

A fun fish scales design decorates these nautical or beach wedding invitations. Letterpress printing gives them lots of texture. Matching pieces to the wedding invitations can be done with or without kissing fish!
Posted in Elegant Wedding Invitations, Sample Designs
Monday, December 19, 2011
When it is time for unique business stationery, nothing stands out more than a custom embossed corporate logo! We think nothing surpasses the level of texture achieved by Letterpress Light®.

We did this embossed business card as a gift for WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg because we love our fabulous WordPress website!
If you’d like a unique WordPress Logo file embossed to use for your own website, feel free to use this one above!

These custom embossed cards are great for ongoing correspondence with current clients and repeat customers.

This embossed card for the Redemption Bible Church is really striking, prepared in steel gray paper.

Posted in Business Cards, Custom Letterpress Designs, Embossed Designs
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Click on an image below to launch slideshow.
Vintage wood type wedding invitations
- Colors & text your choice
- Customizable
- 100% cotton paper
- Matching pieces available
- Pocketfolds available

A great font that prints like vintage wood type, paired with a funky border and pattern, creates a striking look for these unique letterpress wedding invitations from Spark. Vintage typography meets modern embellishments, perfect when you want something different for your wedding invitations to make a statement about your big day!
Posted in Elegant Wedding Invitations, Sample Designs, Vintage Designs